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Wei-Chen Lin


(Lin, Wei-Chen, Ph.D.)

Telephone number
 2005~2009 長庚大學生物醫學所博士班 畢業
 2002~2005 國防大學病理及寄生蟲學研究所 畢業
 2013~迄今 國立成功大學醫學院醫學系寄生蟲學科助理教授
 2009~2012 衛生署疾病管制局


1.棘阿米巴(Acanthamoeba spp.)的致病機制與毒力因子:棘阿米巴角膜炎是自由營生致病性棘阿米巴屬在角膜寄生造成的感染症,嚴重時會造成角膜潰瘍、穿孔、視力甚而整個眼球的喪失。棘阿米巴一旦由眼睛、傷口黏膜感染或經呼吸道吸入肺部,透過血流進入大腦後,引起肉芽腫性阿米巴腦炎。本實驗室自寄生蟲與宿主的交互作用去尋找可能的毒力因子,希望能釐清棘阿米巴破壞角膜上皮細胞及基質的致病機制。

2.棘阿米巴藥物療程的改良測試與新療程開發:棘阿米巴的首選治療藥物聚六亞甲基雙胍(polyhexamethylene biquanide, PHMB)在台灣使用並不普及,臨床上卻已出現數例以此藥物治療無效的案例。目前PHMB對蟲體的作用機制並無詳盡了解,甚而蟲體產生抗藥性的風險評估及蟲體對藥物產生耐受性或是抗藥能力的機轉等相關研究也付之闕如。一旦抗藥蟲株感染發生,後續治療藥物的使用與選擇將無所適從。本實驗室目前正針對此藥物對棘阿米巴的作用進行深入的分析,並同時進行新藥物與療程的測試,期望解決台灣目前對棘阿米巴感染的困境。


1.Basic research


  i.Lin WC, Huang KY, Chen SC, Huang TY, Chen SJ, Huang PJ, Tang P. 2009 Nov; Malate dehydrogenase is negatively regulated by miR-1 in Trichomonas vaginalis. Parasitol Res.;105(6):1683-9.

  ii.Lin WC, Li SC, Lin WC, Shin JW, Hu SN, Yu XM, Huang TY, Chen SC, Chen HC, Chen SJ, Huang PJ, Gan RR, Chiu CH, Tang P. 2009 May; Identification of microRNA in the protist Trichomonas vaginalis. Genomics.;93(5):487-93.

 b.deep-sequencing small RNA analysis pipeline

  i.Huang PJLin WC, Chen SC, Lin YH, Sun CH, Lyu PC, and Tang P. 2012 Feb; Identification of putative miRNAs from the deep-branching unicellular flagellates. Genomics. 99(2):101-7.

  ii.Huang PJ, Liu YC, Lee CC, Lin WC, Gan RR, Lyu PC, Tang P. 2010 Jul; DSAP: deep-sequencing small RNA analysis pipeline. Nucleic Acids Res.;38 (WebServer issue):W385-91.

2.Epidemiology of microbes

 a.Environment and drink water

  i.Kao PM, Hsu BM, Chen NH, Huang KH, Huang CC, Ji DD, Chen JS, Lin WC, Huang SW, Chiu YC. 2012 Jul; Molecular detection and comparison of Acanthamoeba genotypes in different functions of watersheds in Taiwan. Environ Monit Assess. 184(7):4335-44

  ii.Hsu BM, Huang KH, Huang SW, Tseng KC, Su MJ, Lin WC, Ji DD, Shih FC, Chen JL, Kao PM. 2011 Sep 15; Evaluation of different analysis and identification methods for Salmonella detection in surface drinking water sources. Sci Total Environ. 409(20):4435-41.

  iii.Huang SW, Hsu BM, Su YJ, Ji DD, Lin WC, Chen JL, Shih FC, Kao PM, Chiu YC. 2011 Aug; Occurrence of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli genes in raw water of water treatment plants. Environ Sci Pollut Res.


  i.Chiang TY, Hsieh HH, Kuo MC, Chiu KT, Lin WC, Fan CK, Fang CT, Ji DD. 2012 Oct. Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii Infection among healthy blood donors in Taiwan. PLoS One, 7(10):e48139.

3.Clinical diagnosis methods

  i.Chiang TY, Lin WC, Kuo MC, Ji DD, Fang CT. 2012; Relapse of imported vivax malaria despite standard-dose primaquine therapy: an investigation with molecular genotyping analyses. CMI. 2012 Jul;18(7):E232-4

4.Case report

  i.Cheng YJLin WC, Liu CE, Ji DD. 2012; First microbiologically confirmed case of cryptosporidiosis due to Cryptosporidium hominis gp60-If sub-genotype in a patient with HIV-1 infection in Taiwan. JFMA. In press.

  ii.Su MY, Lee MS, Shyu LY, Lin WC, Hsiao PC, Wang CP, Ji DD, Chen KM, Lai SC. 2013 Apr. A Fatal Case of Naegleria fowleri Meningoencephalitis in Taiwan. Korean J Parasitol.;51(2):203-6.

5.Source Case Investigation

  i.Tung MC, Hsu BM, Tao CWLin WC, Tsai HF, Ji DD, Shen SM, Chen JS, Shih FC, Huang YL. 2013 May. Identification and significance of Naegleria fowleri isolated from the hot spring which related to the first primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) patient in Taiwan. Int J Parasitol. 43(9):691-6.